Elisa L. Ramírez TBK

Elisa L. Ramírez (Logroño, 2001) is a multi-disciplinary artist whose work is focused on reflections concerning the human identity and its relationship with technological resources. She explores what makes us beings different from the rest, and how we construct a feeling of uniqueness in a sea of others and our surrounding environment.

Ramírez graduated with a degree in Art from the UPV/EHU (2023) and continues to grow by studying for a Master’s Degree in Performance, Technology, and Contemporary Art from said university (2023-2024). Her work has been shown at the 39th edition of the La Rioja Youth Art Showing, and the artist has received the 8th Inicia Grant in the Hybrid, Research, and Publication Modality.

Proyectos participa
Cargo - Nota descriptiva
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