Bloque ID
Formulario Inscripción
Texto explicativo

Complete the registration form and submit a presentation of the project in digital, document, or PDF format (25 mb max.) that includes the following information:

1. Contact details: name, surname(s), address, e-mail, contact telephone number, date of birth. One person will be assigned as a representative for the selected project.
2. CV and short biography. In the case of collectives, for both the collective as well as each of the participants.
3. Explanation of the project and the motivation behind it, indicating the estimated duration necessary, as well as the period in which the candidate is available.
4. Estimated work calendar proposed for development during the process.
5. Detailed plan proposal and social media communication strategy. Graphic and other materials available that help illustrate the project. 6. References to previous projects and work: links, websites, etc.