
Paula Cárcamo Carrera is a programmer and cultural mediator. She enjoys exploring alternative ways of sharing and inhabiting artistic spaces by creating new imaginaries. She has received scholarships to work at CCE Mexico (Global Training) and CCE Montevideo (AECID - MAEC). At the latter, she worked for three years as a cultural programmer, co-curating the Festival de Arte, Pensamiento y Tecnología FAP-TEK and coordinating the 5th Night of Bookstores in Uruguay, among other projects. Together with Cecilia Almirón, she developed the artistic and research project Mimologías: Afectos y cuidados en los entornos digitales, presented at the Modelo Abierto Festival in 2022. In 2023, alonside Miren Bayona, she created the collective residency program en obras, which accompanies the transformation process of the Bilbao Fine Arts Museum. She also works at the San Sebastian Film Festival and the Getxophoto Image Festival.

Artistas y Creadores