The students of the University of the Basque Country are proud to present the Youngsters at the cinema project.

Film makes us human. In it, we ourselves are reflected, and we all have a place in our heart for some film that perhaps calls back to a special moment, a new thought, or a comfort to our spirit. Sadly, today we face a world suffering from a growing lack of interest and theatre-goers. This is the panorama from which this offering arises, where we strive to help others connect with the seventh art.
“What then is time? If no one asks me, I know what it is. If I wish to explain it to him who asks, I do not know”
Augustine of Hippo
Man is defined by his tireless struggle to appear invincible, yet no matter how far his actions go, time will always be one step ahead of him. In the end, we must remember that no one can have it all. The power of this factor is what we seek to represent with this programme, through a catalogue of films that lets us address the complexity of time through diverse perspectives: its meaning for life, the growing tension when our last moments approach, our obsession over how time passes, the freedom to imagine a life that ignores a marked end, etc. The way in which both male and female directors present the beauty of a ticking clock on the big screen is part of the magic we feel and the magic film makes use feel, each in their own intimate way. We hope to convey this to other audiences, the ones we invite to attend.