
David Martínez Suárez (La Hueria, Asturias, Spain 1984) holds a degree in Fine Arts from the University of the Basque Country, where he also completed a Master in Research and Creativity in Art.

He has been the recipient of various grants and awards, the most noteworthy of which are the Eremuak Program Grant by the Basque Government (2015) and the LabJoven Experimenta Grant from the LABoral Art and Industrial Creation Center, Gijon (2012). Alongside the artists Lorea Alfaro, Manu Uranga, and Jon Otamendi, he received the Dissemination Scholarship from the Basque Government for a project called MLDJ (2010-2011). He has also undertaken residencies in various institutions like l´Estruch, Sabadell (2017), Bilbaoarte Foundation, and the Kunsthaus Bregenz, Austria (2008).

Amongst his exhibitions, worthy of mention are: Fondo animal (Animal Backdrop), Moises Perez de Albeniz Gallery, Madrid; Tiempo de progreso (Progress Time), Barjola Museum, Gijón; Hiperobjetos (Hyperobjects), COAM, Madrid; No better, no worse, no change, no pain. Gema Llamazares Gallery, Gijón; Si la montaña no va (If the Mountain doesn't Go), Think Space, Asturias; Diagonal, Torre de Ariz Culture, Basauri, (2014). Inercia (Inertia), LABoral Art Center, Gijón; Izena Gero, Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao (2013). Defensa (Defense), Valey Cultural Center, Asturias, (2012). Respira hondo (Breathe Deep), María Forcada Foundation, Navarra (2011). The Back Room, Pilar Parra & Romero Gallery, Madrid (2009). Zwei Monate in Einem, Prantl & Boch Galerie, Bregenz, Austria; Entornos Próximos (Nearby Environments), Artium Museum, Vitoria, (2008).

His video work has taken part in audiovisual screenings like the projection of the documentary Nalón at the “Day of Architecture,” Flemish Architecture Institute (VAi), through FLACC, Genk, Belgium in 2007.
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Resident artist
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