
We like to arouse emotions through performances that excite one's curiosity, enrich one's imagination, recreate new scenarios and explore boundaries. We like for the experience of each show to be unique, which is why strive for novelty, the unexpected, adventure, play, the exceptional. And we do so near the audience, near all audiences – young and old.

Imaginart is a company that creates, produces and distributes unique shows for all ages, but especially for young audiences. Original productions that are the work of a team of tireless, imaginative, passionate collaborators; commissions and co-productions with major theatres in the country; partnerships with leading European companies and also internationalisation, to extend our reach much further. Imaginart also directs and/or produces performing arts festivals, striving for excellence and rigour, always focusing on the uniqueness that characterises us.
Eventos participa
Cargo - Nota descriptiva
Artistas y Creadores