Miren Agur Meabe (Lekeitio, 1962) writes for adults as well as children and young people, both prose and poetry. She received the critics' prize for her books of poetry Código de la piel (2000) and Espuma en las manos (2010); and the Euskadi prize for her novels for young people Itsaslabarreko etxea (2002), Urtebete itsasargian (2006) and Errepidea (2011).
In the field of narrative, he has published the novel Kristaleko begi bat (2013) and the short story book Hezurren erretura (2019), as well as the fifth book of poems, Nola gorde errautsa kolkoan.
She also works as a translator. Among others, she has brought from French to Basque the autobiographical novel by Rwandan Skolastique Mukasonga Emakume oinutsa and the poetry of Iranian poet Foroug Farrokhzad.
He has participated in various international meetings such as the Dublin Festival Writers (2003), XXI Festival of Vjlenica. Literary Festival (Slovenia, 2006), Edimburgh Book Festival (2007 and 2019), Reading Month Festival (Slovakia-Czech Republic-Ukra-Poland, 2016), International Day of Languages (Paris, 2019), Hay Festival Arequipa (Peru, 2019), IBVA Days (Delhi, 2019) and Brussels Transpoesie (2020).
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Writer and translator