

Anaïs Berck is a collective that stands for collaboration between humans, algorithms and trees. Anaïs Berck explores the specificities of human intelligence amid artificial and vegetal intelligences. In April 2021, during the residency in Medialab Prado in Madrid, Anaïs Berck will develop a prototype algorithmic publishing house in which algorithms are the authors of unusual books. The residency was supported by the Digital Culture Residency programme started by the Flemish Government. 

This piece by Anaïs Berck is represented by the human beings An Mertens and Gijs de Heij. An is an artist and author. She has published various books as a fiction writer with the publishing house De Bezige Bij, and as an author, editor and researcher at Constant, an artist organisation for experimental art and the communication media in Brussels of which she has been a core member since 2008. Gijs is a programmer and designer. He is part of the Open Source Publishing designers collective in Brussels.

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