
Mikel Zorrilla is a Telecommunications Engineer from Mondragon Unibertsitea (2001-2007), has a master's degree in Advanced Computer Systems from the University of the Basque Country (UPV-EHU) (2011-2013) and has a doctorate from the University's Faculty of Computer Science of the Basque Country (UPV / EHU) (September 2016). His doctoral thesis focused on "Interoperable technologies for multi-screen multimedia services".
He is the director of the Digital Media department at Vicomtech and has led and participated in various research projects at the national and international level. He is currently the coordinator of the H2020 TRACTION project where the co-creation of operas for a social transformation is encouraged and also participates in another project of interactive technologies for Augmented Reality (H2020 ARETE). In addition, he was the technical and scientific coordination of the European FP7 MediaScape project, where technology was developed for the creation and adaptation of multimedia services for a multi-device environment, and participated in the European project HBB4ALL, where the provision of accessible multimedia services was addressed. for everyone in the world of connected television.
From 2002 to 2007 he combined his studies working in the Communications area of ​​the Ikerlan technology center (2002-2006) and since August 2007 he works at Vicomtech. His main expertise is focused on interaction technologies with multimedia content, multimedia standards, video stream management and 5G technologies.
In 2014 he was associate professor at the University of Deusto in the double degree of Business Management and Administration, and Computer Engineering, teaching the subject of Multimedia Technologies and since 2018 he is associate professor at the UOC (Open University of Catalonia) in the master's degree in Multimedia Applications.