This project has brought together people between the ages of 8-10 and 70-90. People who share the neighbourhood of Egia, where Tabakalera is located. Nothing unites them except the neighbourhood and they didn't know each other previously.

Medialab has a library specialised in contemporary art and thought (previously called Ubik) where part of Tabakalera's cultural project is also developed. It has a public vocation in the broadest sense of the concept and seeks to reach those who find it most difficult to include an art centre and all that it can offer them in their routines.
In 2019-2020, and on the path towards inclusiveness, Ubik is working on the following project:
“Izarrona, bubaloones y purpurina”: an intergenerational project:
This project has brought together people between the ages of 8-10 and 70-90. People who share the neighbourhood of Egia, where Tabakalera is located. Some of the project participants live in the neighbourhood, others spend their “life” in the neighbourhood or study there. Nothing unites them except the neighbourhood and they didn't know each other previously.
The Izarrona project has been devised, designed, executed and evaluated in collaboration between Tabakalera (library and education area), Haurtxoko de Egia (part of the San Sebastián City Council's Youth Department) and the programme and Plan for the City Donostia Lagunkoia (San Sebastián City Council). These entities were chosen as project partners because of the knowledge they have of the community, citizens' networks and the relationship of trust they have with their users. This is also because, like us, they focus on project processes rather than on obtaining a specific result.
During 6 work sessions, of 1 hour each session, the group made up of 19 people and using different artistic practices as a tool have met and experienced a relationship of equality and horizontal management, moving away from patronising attitudes. Artistic practices have been used as a working tool, a tool for cohesion, a way of experimentation and a tool to put the two groups on an equal footing.
Izarrona is a furry bear that lives in a cave at the bottom of the sea. Do you want to know her story?
From 2020, inclusive projects will be developed at Medialab.
Note: if you would like to know about this project, get in touch with us through the email address