Kameleoiak gara! ZINEX II is a film programme for the whole family to enjoy. It presents a screening for all spectators and, after the session, offers a workshop related to the viewing. On this occasion, we take advantage of the context offered by the exhibition ZINEX. Body and Architecture to hold sessions related to experimental cinema.
Beyond Noh, Patrick Smith, USA, 2020, 4’
Muedra, César Díaz, Spain, 2019, 9’
Wa, Ziad Antar, Libano, 2004, 2’
Tlacuache de maguey, Miguel Anaya Borja, Mexico, 2014, 8’
La sagra, Roberto Catani, Italy, 1998, 3’
Rainbow Dance, Len Lye, UK,1936, 4’
Ice Spider, Cheryl Rondeau, Canada, 2018, 5’
Spook Sport 1940, Mary Ellen Bute, USA, 1940, 8’
Short film program for children and families, followed by a workshop.
FechaInicio: 2022-01-09
FechaFin: 2022-01-09
FechaAlta: 2021-12-03
Seccion: ZINEMA
Proyecto: PANTALLA
Idioma: Sin idioma
Entrada: Mixtoa
EntradaES: Mixto
Pelicula: Beyond Noh, Patrick Smith, EUA, 2020, 4’
Muedra, César Díaz, España, 2019, 9’
Wa, Ziand Antr, Líbano, 2004, 2’
Tlacuache de maguey, Miguel Anaya Borja, México, 2014, 8’
La sagra, Roberto Catani, Italia, 1998, 3’
Rainbow Dance, Len Lye, Reino Unido,1936, 4’
Ice SpideR, Cheryl Rondeau, Canadá, 2018, 5’
Spook Sport 1940, Mary Ellen Bute, EUA, 1940, 8’
idReserva: 6E57F632-B5DB-40B8-A5E2-C0F2903EC089
Fecha: 2022-01-09
HoraInicio: 11:00
HoraFin: 12:00
Plazas: 140
Sala: CINE
SalaES: Cine
SalaEU: Zinea
Ocupacion: Lantegia
OcupacionES: Cine
OcupacionEU: Zinea
FechaFin: 2022-01-09