Joachim Koester´s installations, films and photographs interweave historical and fictional narratives as a method to re-examine counter-cultural and spiritual practices.
The performance-lecture Bringing Something Back focuses on a text written by Koester and an accompanying selection of images and films. The performance will address and connect a range of subjects including: the exploration of out of body experiences (OBE’s) and vibrational states; the evolution of neurochemistry and altered states via supplements; the Benandanti, who were members of an agrarian tradition in North-Eastern Italy during the 16th and 17th centuries (they claimed to travel out of their bodies while asleep to battle against malevolent witches); and "Memory Machines", an alternative term applied to the influential concept known as "Hypertext"; a fundamental system applied to the internet and numerous software applications.
The performance-lecture Bringing Something Back focuses on a text written by Koester and an accompanying selection of images and films.
Reserva: Bringing Something Back
FechaInicio: 2022-04-29
FechaFin: 2022-04-29
FechaAlta: 2021-12-17
Proyecto: Emma Kunz PP
Idioma: EN
Entrada: Sarrera
EntradaES: Entrada
idReserva: D2171D81-FC65-45A0-800C-684BAF18FE56
Fecha: 2022-04-29
HoraInicio: 18:30
HoraFin: 19:30
TituloEvento: Bringing Something Back
TituloEventoEU: Bringing Something Back
Sala: CINE 2
SalaES: Cine 2
SalaEU: Zinea 2
Ocupacion: Hitzaldia
OcupacionES: Conferencia
OcupacionEU: Hitzaldia