
Urtzi Urkizu Adrián.

Degree in Journalism (UPV / EHU, 1998).
He was one of the founders of the popular magazine Orratx !, where he collaborated from 1996 to 2003. He also participated in the process of creating Oarso Telebista, and was director of news of it in 1998. At Euskaldunon Egunkaria he worked as an editor since 1999 until 2003, until they closed the newspaper;
He has worked in Berria since the newspaper was created in June 2003, and during these eighteen years he has been a journalist there.
He has directed two documentaries: No excuse! (from the environment of the Mikelazulo Cultural Association) and Euskaldunon Goya (about the film producer Luis Goia).
He has participated in several collective books and alone has published two literary works: Beta (Self-production, 2007) and Kezka bat gutxiago (Maiatz, 2012).
From 2012 to 2020 he has been the coordinator and scriptwriter of the television program Butaka de la Zurriola.

At Berria he specializes in communication, journalism and audiovisual issues.

Cargo - Nota descriptiva