We continue to hold new sessions of the contemporary film course, with the aim of creating a space for dialogue. The course will be facilitated by Frauke Schulz Utermöhl.
The course will take place from 18:00 to 18:45 in Medialab’s room Egongela. In each session the conversation will be based on the film of the cycle screened the previous week in the cinema.
- July 13th (Badlands, Terrence Malick)
- July 28th (Husbands, John Cassavetes)
- August 25th (Paris, Texas, Win Wenders)
Frauke Schulz-Utermöhl holds a degree in Pedagogy from the University of Hamburg and is a teacher. For more than twenty years she directed the Delegation of the Goethe-Institut, the German Cultural Institute in San Sebastian, until 2008. Since then she continues to collaborate with the Goethe-Institut in Madrid for the screening of German films at Okendo Cultural Centre.
Since its beginnings in 1987, she has worked at Gernika Gogoratuz, Centre for Peace Research and Conflict Transformation, as head of the area of education and training. She has participated in the Laboratory of the commons and Medialab-Prado to transfer the approaches of "Memoria y Procomún" workshop in Madrid to a workshop in the Basque Country and in the framework of the "Peace Forum" San Sebastian-Donostia as European Capital of Culture 2016. She is an executive member of Hebras de Paz Viva Association.
Free admission but the ticket must be picked up in advance.
Language: Spanish
Following the Claire Simon's film series, we keep celebrating the course on contemporary cinema, with the aim of deepening in films created by women.
Reserva: Un cine propio. Curso de cine contemporáneo
FechaInicio: 2022-04-21
FechaFin: 2022-04-21
FechaAlta: 2022-03-17
Seccion: ZINEMA
Proyecto: PANTALLA
Idioma: ES
Entrada: Gonbidapena
EntradaES: Invitación
Pelicula: A raíz del comienzo del ciclo de Claire Simon ponemos en marcha un curso sobre cine de tres sesiones, con el objetivo de profundizar en el cine creado por mujeres y crear un espacio para el diálogo. El curso estará dinamizado por Frauke…
El curso tendrá lugar de 18:00 a 18:45 de la tarde en la sala de cine de la segunda planta. Posteriormente, a las 19:00, comenzará la proyección de la película en la sala de cine habitual.
7 de abril
14 de abril
21 de abril
idReserva: A91DDBC1-43B0-4663-A845-DB6C16A5F7CA
Fecha: 2022-04-21
HoraInicio: 18:00
HoraFin: 19:00
TituloEvento: Un cine propio. Curso de cine contemporáneo.
TituloEventoEU: Un cine propio. Curso de cine contemporáneo.
Sala: CINE 2
SalaES: Cine 2
SalaEU: Zinea 2
Ocupacion: Zinea
OcupacionES: Cine
OcupacionEU: Zinea