Film and literature, literature and film. What relationships are there? How do you think “in film” and how do you think in “book”?
Chris Kraus (writer and filmmaker) and Martí Manen (curator and the director of Index Foundation in Stockholm) converse about moments of cultural creation and the decision-making during the process. The film catalogue of Chris Kraus is used as the starting point of a conversation to address situations where doubts may arise during the production and presentation, and contact with the people who receive a cultural item in the form of a book or film.
This session falls within the Chris Kraus. Films before and after exhibition’s programme of activities.
Chris Kraus (writer and filmmaker) and Martí Manen (curator and the director of Index Foundation in Stockholm) converse about moments of cultural creation and the decision-making during the process.
Reserva: Chris Kraus
FechaInicio: 2021-11-08
FechaFin: 2022-01-16
FechaAlta: 2021-06-08
Proyecto: CRIS KRAUS
Canal: Cris Kraus - Aktibitatea
Entrada: Sarrera
EntradaES: Entrada
idReserva: B7366E90-FCC7-4BD5-8A7C-C43E09B01DA8
Fecha: 2021-12-15
HoraInicio: 19:00
HoraFin: 20:00
TituloEvento: Chris Kraus y Marti Manen en conversación
TituloEventoEU: Chris Kraus eta Marti Manen solasaldian
SalaES: Online
SalaEU: Online
Ocupacion: Hitzaldia
OcupacionES: Conferencia
OcupacionEU: Hitzaldia