Improvisation to three voices. That's how Polaina podcasts define himself when her creators turn to the media. However, this is only a very brief description. The Polaina podcast, composed by Maialen Sorzabalbere, Amaia Rojo and Michael Irazusta, meets every week to share the anxiety, problems and curiosity that young people have in their daily lives with a point of humor. Whether by accident or by design, these conversations are recorded and published under the name of Polaina. Why Polaina? They don't know either.
Therefore, when they say it's improvisation, we don't know how much we believe it. He has more of a humorous conversation between friends.
June 22nd Polaina podcast will be live in 2deo saying goodbye to their season before the summer holidays. This particular session will take longer than usual, and who knows if they'll come with any surprises.