Texto Destacado

Helena Taberna is true to her principles: a commitment to feminism right from the start, an awareness in favour of Basqueness from her native Navarre and the will to reach the public from her author identity, a capacity to combine gentleness with strength.

Descripción Larga



Helena Taberna is true to her principles: a commitment to feminism right from the start, an awareness in favour of Basqueness from her native Navarre and the will to reach the public from her author identity, a capacity to combine gentleness with strength. It was courageous of her to embark on Yoyes (2000). She was wise in giving prominence to the faces of female immigrants in Extranjeras (2003). She was coherent in returning to Alsasua during the Spanish Civil War [1936-39] with La buena nueva (2008). Nagore (2010) was a feminist and therefore humanistic statement, which is turning out to be an issue of growing relevance. And Acantilado (2016) was a meander to revisit some of her concerns as a creator. The movies she will be signing in the future are set to repeat the ever-present themes of this retrospective of her work: courage, marksmanship, coherence, humanism.



Further information at Basque Film Archive's website (In Spanish)






October 4, 20:00

Yoyes, Helena Taberna, Spain, 2000, 104’, OV with Spanish subtitles.

*Presentation:  Helena Taberna.






October 5



-18:00 Presentation: Cinema dialogues: Helena Taberna-Agnieszka Holland.

*Moderator: Pilar Rodríguez.

*Free entry until capacity reached.

Z Hall



-20:00 Projection

Pokot (El rastro), Agnieszka Holland, Poland, 2017, 128’, OV with Spanish subtitles

*Presentation: Agnieszka Holland.






October 18, 20:00

La mujer de Lot, Helena Taberna, Spain, 1990, 12’, No dialogues

87 cartas de amor, Helena Taberna, Spain, 1992, 14’, OV in Spanish 

Emiliana de Zubeldia, Helena Taberna, Spain, 1993, 27’, OV in Spanish 

Nerabe, Helena Taberna, Spain, 1996, 10’, OV in Spanish subtitles



*Presentation: Carlos Muguiro. Cinema 2






October 25, 20:00

Busto de un poeta, Helena Taberna, Spain, 1991, 19’, OV in Spanish 

Alsasua 1936, Helena Taberna, Spain, 1994, 35’, OV in Spanish 

Recuerdos del 36, Helena Taberna, Spain, 1994, 22’, OV in Spanish 

Cinema 2






November 15, 20:00



Extranjeras, Helena Taberna, Spain, 2003, 75'



Presentation: Pilar Rodriguez.






December 6, 20:00



La buena nueva, Helena Taberna, Spain, 2008, 95'



Presentation: Bárbara Goenaga, Aizpea Goenaga.






December 14, 20:00



Nagore, Helena Taberna,  Spain, 2010, 77'



Presentation: Izaskun Arandia.






December 20, 20:00



Acantilado, Helena Taberna, Spain, 2016, 99'



Presentation: Helena Taberna.





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