Periferias escolares es una convocatoria que tiene como objetivo desarrollar un proyecto colaborativo de arte y educación en espacios de la escuela, del barrio o de la ciudad. Ofrece una oportunidad para repensar los modos de trabajar y poner en marcha procesos de aprendizaje que refuercen la comunidad educativa.

What sort of relationship would we like to have with our nearby community? What are the public spaces like inside and around our schools? How do these spaces condition and regulate our relationships?
School Peripheries is an open call geared towards developing a collaborative art and education project in school, neighbourhood or city spaces. It presents an opportunity to rethink ways of working and to set in motion learning processes which strengthen the education community.
Schooling and education have achieved a broader level of understanding over recent years thanks to projects such as The City of Children and concepts like citizenship and citizen participation. Streets, town squares, schools etc. have become work spaces and provided the backdrop for developing artistic education projects which facilitate social transformation.
Tabakalera's mediation area seeks to drive forward education projects and experimental processes where contemporary culture and artistic practices become tools for reflection and collective learning, and for developing creative alternatives.
In this 4th edition of School Peripheries there will be two modalities: the first, a call aimed at Donostialdea and the second, aimed at schools in Gipuzkoa.
The period to submit projects will be open from 2 May until 7 June. The proposals must be sent in with the following completed form: School Peripheries IV
School peripheries 2018-19 (Pdf)
School Peripheries IV