“City, education and collaborative practices” is a call for applications to develop art and education projects in the spaces of education centres, the district, the city and the town.

Tabakalera’s Mediation area wants to enable a lasting relationship between the centre and the educational community, a diverse ecosystem comprising a wide variety of groups, agents and groups. This goal requires developing a programme that can be adapted to specific times and requirements, in order to cater to the diversity of the different groups involved.
Throughout the year, it will examine issues related to crossover points between artistic practice and learning processes, through a range of methodologies and formats. The programme will travel out from Tabakalera to work in classrooms, generating incursions in both directions – from the educational spaces to the cultural centre and vice versa. It will examine contemporary creation through interventions in the public space, workshops, film sessions, experimental activities and tours of the exhibitions.
City, education and collaborative practices
What are the public spaces adjoining our school like? How do we transform the relationship between the school and the district?
“City, education and collaborative practices” is a call for applications to develop art and education projects in the spaces of education centres, the district, the city and the town.
In recent years, projects such as “La ciudad de los niños” [City of Children], have helped broaden understanding of concepts such as citizenship, citizen participation, school and education. Public space, street, square, district, school, etc. have all been turned into work spaces and a context for developing art education projects, offering opportunities for social change.
Tabakalera's cultural project, develop by the Mediation Area, seeks to contribute to these processes, working on cultural production in conjunction with the educational community. We believe that contemporary culture and artistic practice are ideal tools and domains for researching and developing learning processes and creative alternatives, and this will be one of the characteristics of our project.
Antecedents to this call for applications include “Pedagogías y espacio Público” [Teaching and public space] developed by the mediation area and the pilot project “Auzoko Hitzak” [Neighbourhood Words] (a participative project run in collaboration with three schools in Egia and other groups from the district during academic year 2014-15).
In this process, we have detected a need to strengthen the educational community. The main purpose of this call is therefore to investigate and strengthen the relations between the school community and its environment. To do so, we will use dynamics of cultural productio