'From the classroom to the laboratory' is activity aimed at education professionals which seeks to answer various questions and propose new ones. What obstacles do we find when creating open laboratories? And how do we overcome them? How to adapt the methodologies, the education material, etc, to new technologies? What are spaces for creativity like?

In schools we called the laboratory the space and/or cross-cutting activities used so that pupils, based on an experimental application, can assimilate the knowledge, skills or capacities they are required to learn. This cross-cutting nature of the laboratory space and activities makes it possible to learn and create in a more open, dynamic, critical, practical and collaborative way. We see the laboratory as a space to innovate in education, where pupils acquire other skills related to creativity, group work or autonomy and initiative.
Ikasgelatik laborategira (From the classroom to the laboratory) is activity aimed at education professionals which seeks to answer various questions and propose new ones. What obstacles do we find when creating open laboratories? And how do we overcome them? How to adapt the methodologies, the education material, etc, to new technologies? What are spaces for creativity like?
In addition, Ikasgelatik laborategietara seeks to make visible the work that many teachers carry out in this respect in their day-to-day activity, and who have been the inspiration and the driving force to activate this line of work at Hirikilabs. Thus, during the event there will be a presentation of
A document of Good Practices for the Creation of Open Laboratories, the result of a process of one and a half years carried out at Hirikilabs by an open group of education professionals and drafted by Susanna Tesconi.
The event aims to promote the network of teachers and professionals who are already working on transforming education and to make known the work of several agents that we can use as inspiration when setting up laboratories in schools.
9:30 Accreditation of participants
9:45 Welcome and presentation of the event.
10:00 Presentation of the publication. Susanna Tesconi (+participants in the process)
11:00 Break and breakfast
11:15 Talks / presentations of several experience. (You can also follow it on: streaming.tabakalera.eu)
Lucia Arias (FACT)
Inés Bebea (Ondula)
Ista Boszhard (Waag Society)
13:30 Lunch at Tabakalera
15:00 Unblocking strategies. Practical activity
How do we finance the creation of the laboratory? Moderated by Jabi Luengo
Management of the laboratory by pupils, teachers and the school community. Moderated by Jokin Lacalle
Introducing laboratories in the curriculum. Moderated by Eneko Apalategi
What do we do when a project gets stuck? Moderated by Ibon Burgoa
Strategies for emotional management. Moderated by Susana Tesconni
Fear of programming. Moderated by Iñaki Zarauz
16:30 Presentation of the call by Hirikilabs for the creation of open educational material.
17:00 Closure of the event
Read it on Issuu: From the Classroom to the Laboratory
PDF download: From the Classroom to the Laboratory (1,2 MB)