Tabakalera and Hablarenarte launch a call to art educators, researchers, curators... to participate in the workshop “Collaborative Arts with Young Audiences” by Jennie Guy that will take place in Tabakalera between 13 and 15 July

Tabakalera and Hablarenarte launch a call to art educators, researchers, curators... to participate in the workshop “Collaborative Arts with Young Audiences” by Jennie Guy that will take place in Tabakalera between 13 and 15 July.
Over a three-day period, Jennie Guy will run a workshop that emphasizes on the relationship between contemporary art and younger people, especially to experiment different ways in which contemporary art can intervene with younger audiences. The emphasis of this workshop will be on developing a confidence in seeing the value in research and process as preparation for vibrant intersections of contemporary visual art practice and ideas in sites of education.
The sessions will start with presentations made by Jennie Guy and the core group of participants so that they might explore one’s own and other practices in an in-depth way. The group will identify areas of artistic and pedagogical research that are relevant to them on an individual and collective basis. Together, this group of artists, curators and educators will work through these initial introductions with one another and then establish a schedule for ‘site visits’ around Tabakalera and its grounds. The purpose of these visits will be to look for interesting places within which to begin to develop ideas for making artistic, curatorial and collaborative gestures that encourage intersections between contemporary art and younger people. The process for this workshop series is derived from research that Jennie Guy has developed in the past, working with various schools and new partner institutions with both residency and workshop programmes.
The workshop of Jennie Guy is part of the CAPP network activities. CAPP is an ambitious transnational cultural programme intended for research on the collaborative arts and the proliferation of such practices. CAPP aims to promote reflection on how collaboration works in contemporary art, as well as to offer artists a structure to facilitate their work with communities.