The classroom is the teacher's free space, provided the door is closed. In this second edition of From the Classroom to the Laboratory we will analyse what happens when those doors are opened. We want to know what relationship there is between teachers and how they can put into practice cross-cutting projects.

The classroom is the teacher's free space, provided the door is closed. The classroom can often become a laboratory, or can carry out activities a laboratory does, work with innovative pedagogies or use free learning… But once the door opens, outside the classroom, that's where the difficulties and obstacles start.
If we understand the laboratory as a space and time for learning and experimentation, the syllabus, the evaluation, the relationship between subjects or the limits of the institution are factors that need rethinking in the transformation of the classroom into a laboratory. In order to overcome the obstacles collectively, it is necessary to share the experiences and knowledge hidden behind the door.
Based on that reflection, in this second edition of From the Classroom to the Laboratory we will analyse what happens when those doors are opened. We want to know what relationship there is between teachers and how they can put into practice cross-cutting projects.
The event will be divided into two parts. The first part, which will take place on Friday morning, will consist of a series of talks and a round table, with the presence of Jurjo Torres, Aida Sánchez de Serdio, Edurne Larraza, Margarita Padilla, Marta Malo and Susana Tesconi. During the second part, on Friday afternoon and Saturday morning, we will create work tables bringing together people who come from different fields and subjects, with the aim of seeking solutions for the problems raised. Thus, by means of various dynamic activities, we will try to open the doors, turning the Hirikilabs laboratory into an Escape Room.
With the conclusions drawn from the meeting a publication will be released for collective use.
11 May
[Room Z]
9:30 Accreditation.
9:45 Welcome and presentation of the event.
- 10:00 Jurjo Torres
- 10:45 Aida Sánchez de Serdio Martín: “Creativity will enslave you: about the use and abuse of arts in educational innovation”
11:30 Break.
- 11:45 Edurne Larraza:"Docendo Discimus: JolasMATIKA proiektuaren alderdi pedagogikoa"
- 12:15 Margarita Padilla and Marta Malo
12:45 Round table. Moderator: Susanna Tesconi.
13:30 Lunch (included with the registration).
15:00 Escape room. Led by: Susanna Tesconi.
12 May
10:00 Escape room. Led by: Susanna Tesconi.
13:30 Lunch (included with the registration).
14:00 End of the event.