Taking as an example the modeling and printing of a clitoris made by Odile Fillod, this workshop aims to analyze the relationship between technology and feminism in a practical way; addressing topics such as scientific research, self-knowledge, the subversive use of technologies and software / free hardware from a transfeminist perspective. Participants will work to open a dialogue between these issues to discuss the types of violence, life experiences, ideas and proposals for self-defense that are currently present.
The workshop goal is to propose action strategies to confront the passivity related to sexual violence. We are going to create a temporary space for surveillance, protection and dissent, through the learning and use of production technologies. In this case, open access 3D printing and modeling technology will be used to design and create other self-defense tools around the Odile Fillod clitoris model.
The workshop goal is to propose action strategies to take over the passivity related to sexual violence.