Eneko Gil will unveil his choreographic exploration Words in Movement Words, hosted in the latest experimentation laboratory of the ATALAK Network this year 2020. The ATALAK Network is dedicated to exploring, rehearsing and researching contemporary dance in the Aquitaine-Euskadi-Navarra Euroregion.
Words in Movement Words
Responding to a desire, Eneko Gil brings us an experimentation laboratory based on a curiosity for fusing movement and text. He draws on various pieces by DV8 Physical Theater, a leading company in the recent history of dance and theatre, directed by Lloyd Newson. Eneko’s piece will analyse his way of working/creating and bring it together with the imaginary world that will gradually take shape in the laboratory, in collaboration with 11 dancers.
To develop the work with text and movement, Dejabu Panpin Laborategia has been invited as an external observer of this laboratory, where the text that we use or create will look at the theme of gender: masculinity, femininity, what does it mean to be a man, or a woman, what does it mean not to fit into the rules established by a heteronormative, patriarchal society and to live in the midst of all of it, etc. The behaviours, forms of etiquette and roles related to the fact of being a woman or a man are brought into question.
Eneko Gilek "Palabras en movimiento Palabras" bilaketa koreografikoa aurkeztuko du, 2020ko ATALAK Sareko azken esperimentazio-laborategian jasotakoa. ATALAK Sareak dantza garaikidearen bilaketan, entseguan eta ikerketan jarduten du Akitania-Euskadi- Nafarroa Euroeskualdean.