Aribada (Natalia Escobar, Simon(e) Jaikiriuma Paetau, 2022)
In the heart of the Colombian coffee region, Aribada, the resurrected monster, meets Las Traviesas, a group of indigenous transwomen from the Emberá tribe. The magical, the dreamlike and the performative coexist in their unique world, an aesthetic, spiritual universe in which documentary and fiction merge in a transcultural narrative.
Obscuro Barroco (Evangelia Kranioti, 2018)
Brazilian trans activist Luana Muniz guides us through Rio de Janeiro's world famous carnival, where queer identities are assembled, liberated and exhibited to be celebrated as a political and poetic manifestation. Streets thronging with dancing people give way to the darkness of alleys and after-parties that host other types of manifestations. This city's contradictions are embodied by our militant protagonist whose flowing along guides us through this dreamlike experience.
Aribada (Natalia Escobar, Simon Jaikiriuma Paetau, 2022) + Obscuro Barroco (Evangelia Kranioti, 2018)
Reserva: exOrbita proiekzioa 3
FechaInicio: 2023-04-21
FechaFin: 2023-04-21
FechaAlta: 2023-03-17
Seccion: ZINEMA
Proyecto: PANTALLA
Canal: exÓrbita
Entrada: Sarrera
EntradaES: Entrada
idReserva: B451FF37-2CA4-43EC-8AE0-95A0E9B32BA6
Fecha: 2023-04-21
HoraInicio: 18:00
HoraFin: 19:30
TituloEventoEU: exÓrbita proiekzioa 3
Sala: CINE
SalaES: Cine
SalaEU: Zinea
Ocupacion: Zinea
OcupacionES: Cine
OcupacionEU: Zinea