
Mikel Otxoteko (b. 1981) is an audiovisual artist and researcher. In 2011 he was invited by the filmmaker and Neo-Materialism theorist Manuel DeLanda to the Pratt Institute of New York, where he concluded a doctoral thesis that obtained international mention. During the last few years, he has taught art and design classes at the Cesine University Center, simultaneously publishing critical essays on contemporary art and aesthetics. His artistic work has been shown in places such as the Center del Carmen Cultura Contemporánea (Valencia) or the Musée d'Art Contemporain Les Abattoirs (Toulouse), and he has participated in international festivals such as Cinespaña de Toulouse or Zinebi. Currently, he is preparing an exhibition that will collect his latest audiovisual works on the economic, environmental and identity fragility of the islands of Saint-Pierre et Miquelon.


Cargo - Nota descriptiva
Artist and independent researcher
Artistas y Creadores