RACOR 2023
Bloque ID
Formulario Inscripción
Texto explicativo

Applications must be sent in a single PDF document (attached to an email with a subject matter that follows this format: Beca_RACOR_FIRST NAME_SURNAME) using the form on the Tabakalera website.

  1. Personal details
  1. The applicant's CV (maximum 1,500 characters, including spaces).
  2. A description of the project, including:
  3. A summary of the project (maximum 2,000 characters, including spaces)

A brief biography of the applicant setting out their main lines of work and research (maximum 500 characters, including spaces).

  • Aims of the project (maximum 1,000 characters, including spaces)
  • Expected results (maximum 1,500 characters, including spaces)
  • Methodology (maximum 1,500 characters, including spaces)
  • How the project will be documented and shared (maximum 1,000 characters, including spaces)
  • Work plan and calendar
  • Technical requirements
  1. An explanation of why the project has to be carried out in collaboration with Hangar and Tabakalera (maximum 1,000 characters, including spaces).
  2. Up to five images of the project.


  • Applications that are missing any of the required information and/or are longer than the stated limits will be rejected.
  • Applications may be submitted in Catalan, Spanish, Basque or English.
  • Shortlisted artists may be contacted by the selection board for an interview.
  • The selection board reserves the right to declare the call null and void.
  • Applications may be submitted by natural persons only, either individually or in groups, in which case they must designate a representative, whom the other members of the group must authorize to represent them, and who will deal with all contractual matters.