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Quién lo impide, Jonás Trueba, 2018, Original Spanish Language Version.

On 20 June, this multi-film project was presented at Cineteca-Madrid and those of us who had the opportunity to attend the event were amazed with the size of the proposal: firstly, it was the premiere of four new films by Jonás Trueba and his team. And, at the same time, those very films, as well as the talks and meetings that took place throughout the day, proved that, beyond premieres, this was all a statement of intentions, a manifestation of absolute love of film and its potential as a glimmer/cry to the future. Another cinema would have been possible, yes, that is true; one always wants to write sentences like this.

Tabakalera has now become this project's second stop, after its premiere in Madrid: a full day of talks, screenings, encounters and musical surprises – yes, we have those too (lovers of the hieroglyphs get the first clue: the project's title has a certain San Sebastián flare).

If you are fifteen years old / and want to escape / that's more than enough reason to do so.



Quién lo impide is a declaration of intent that starts with its title ("What's Stopping Us"); it is a call to transform the perception we have about adolescence and youth, but it is also a unique way of understanding cinematographic creation: freer and more open, carried out with few means and by a minimal team of people armed with time, perseverance and attitude. That's why this 6 October will not be an endpoint, nor should it be understood as the kind of premiere where everything is handed over on a golden tray; rather, it will be an invitation to be part of a living project and collective, something that is beginning to take shape and that we humbly present, turning the searches and attempts into a sort of vindication and an act of faith; the inflection point of a project that is also a reason for celebration, in which we additionally wish to promote encounters, live music and –why not– new films. What's stopping us?!”. Los Ilusos Films.




Sólo somos (Just Us), 90’, Hall 1, DCP (Showtimes: 11:00, 13:00, 16:00, 18:00).

A small group of teenagers considers making their own film. We start to see them as possible fictional characters, while many other young people ask questions and provide new ideas and possibilities, building the possible future film together.


Principiantes (Beginners), 60’, Z Hall, HD (Showtimes: 11:15, 12:30, 16:00, 17:17, 18:30).

Candela and Pablo represent this project's origin and that's why they will always be our eternal beginners. We think about them and risk imagining some of their amorous adventures and existential doubts in a piece that really is more like two pieces – although the two work mirroring each other.


Si vamos 28 volvemos 28 (If 28 Go, 28 Return), 80’, Hall 2, DCP (Showtimes: 11:00, 12:30, 15:30, 17:00, 18:30).

A high school class takes a unique class trip at the end of the year; a trip that becomes a collective, anthropological portrait that captures very unique moments of maturity and disinhibition, loneliness and integration, love and cruelty.


Tú también lo has vivido (You Went Through it Too), 55’, Ubik: Experimental Screen, HD (Showtimes: 11:00, 12:15, 13:30, 15:30, 17:20, 18:40).

About fifty testimonies from young adolescents give us back our trust in the future generations, but they also tell us of their desires, fears and sorrows. All of them warm up to the camera with generosity and emotion, humour and intelligence.


20:00, Roundtable discussion alongside the project's team, and concert by Rafa Berrio.

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Quién lo impide gazte nerabeengana hurbiltzeko, ohiko pelikula baten formatoa gainditzen duen proiektu zinematografikoa da.

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