
He is an anthropologist and philosopher. Professor of «Anthropology of Kinship», «Anthropology of Religion» and «Anthropology of the People of Equatorial Guinea» at the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology at the Faculty of Philosophy of the UNED. His fields of ethnographic study have been, successively, the Basque Country and Equatorial Guinea. His main publications are Milenarismo Vasco. Edad de oro, etnia y nativismo (Ed. Taurus, Madrid, 1981; 2ª ed. 2001), El Escudo de Arquíloco. Sobre mesías, mártires y terroristas (2 vols. Ed. Antonio Machado, Madrid, 2001) and, since 2010, several articles of anthropological research on the Fangs and the Bubis of Equatorial Guinea in specialised journals.
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Anthropologist and philosopher