
Javier Vaquero Ollero, begins his studies of dance and theatre in different centers of Madrid, Andalusia and in the University Miguel Hernández in Altea. In 2003 he moves to Róterdam to deal the Top Title in Contemporary Dance, given by CODARTS. Since then, he has worked as interpreter with different creators as Xavier Le Roy, Nicole Beutler, Hofesh Shechter, Aimar Perez Galí, Conny Janssen Danst, Ann van der Broek, Marta Reig Torres, Dylan Newcomb and Arno Schuitemaker between others.

Nowadays, he also develops his own work as creator, with projects as Declarando Amor, Danzas Primitivas o H A P P Y E N D I N G and as teacher of dance in different centers both in Spain and in Latin America. He is a charter member of Practical Space (Barcelona) and he has taken part in the collective A R T A S which 

En la actualidad también desarrolla su propio trabajo como creador, con proyectos como Declarando Amor, Danzas Primitivas o H A P P Y E N D I N G y como profesor de danza en diferentes centros tanto en España como en Latinoamérica. Es miembro fundador de Espacio Practico (Barcelona) y ha formado parte del colectivo A R T A S that directs the space of creation and cultural agitation La Poderosa (Barcelona). After living in Lima for one year where he practised as teacher of the career of dance of Pontificates Catholic University of Peru. Nowadays he resides in Bogota (Colombia) where he deals the Mastery in Theatre and Alive Arts given by the National University of Colombia and he is a teacher of dance in the Career of Scenic Arts of the University Javeriana of Colombia.
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