
Poderío Vital is formed by the performer and composer Óscar Bueno Rodriguez (Aviles, 1985. Licensed in Dramatic Art. Professional degree of piano. Master in Scenic Arts, URCJ. Master of Scenic Practice, UCLM and the Center of Art Reigns Sofia) and the performer and writer Itxaso Corral Arrieta (Bilbao, 1979. Licensed in Journalism and Dramatic Art. Diploma in Film and Performance Studies, University of Kent. Théatre Jacques's École Lecoq in Paris. Postdegree in Sensory Language, UdG. Master of Scenic Practice, UCLM and the Center of Art Reigns Sofia).

"Our work departs from the scenic arts, the performance, the writing and the musical and audio-visual composition in relation to the presence, the knowledge of the body, the reflection on the communicative facts and the expressive capacities of the alive beings. We like to define us as one musical symbiosis, a network of work, of affections, of affinities, of pleasures, of taken care, that sings and composes songs as exercise of imagining possibly and, especially, of carrying out them. To work on the silence and the scout, on the composition and the languages, on to be and to make, on not make and be.

We have developed our work in spaces as the Teatro Pradillo, the study of architecture PKMN, el Huerto de Tetuan, the Museum Reigns Sophia, La Casa Encendida, the CA2M, La Poderosa, Espacio Práctico, Sala Hiroshima, Mercat de les Flors, Macba…  We have taken the form of scenic concerts, expanded concerts, divinatory concerts, concerts conversation individuals, vibratory sculptures, ascending walks, bookdisks fanzine, songs, videosongs… We are developing the Laboratory of Musical Symphonic Mediation, artistic-pedagogic offer that investigates in the diverse ways of happening collectivly for the process of creation of a song. In the last months, we have taken part in the meeting Unstable Communities on art, social practices and colective learnings Intermediae Matadero Madrid, at the project Hibrilaldiak de Donostia 2016-Capital of the Culture being employed close to the OSI Tolosaldea de Osakidetza, on health and healthy habits for the citizenship and we have proposed the workshop for families Quien canta sus males espanta in La Casa Encendida in Madrid."

Poderío vital
Cargo - Nota descriptiva
Musical sculptor
Artistas y Creadores