WORKSHOP: 10:30-12:30 (with registration, for 20 people*)
*10 children, each accompanied by an adult, who must also be registered
CONCERT: 13:00-13:30 (free entrance, to show what the participants have worked in the workshop)
The activity offers an intuitive approach to electromagnetic transduction through exercises that will let us listen to the information contained on cassette tapes, modify their characteristics, and resignify them.
Join us for an experimental, socially distanced, and objectively magnetic workshop on how to make unconventional sounds with cassettes. The workshop is open to anyone, especially families with children, and no engineering experience or musical skill is required! Learn how to create tape loops, and much more! We will see how magnetic tape actually works, how to take advantage of its unique characteristics to make music, and open up a discussion on the cassette tape’s incredible cultural impact: from the dawn of the universally accessible home recording era, to political revolutions. There’s so much to learn; producing sounds that have certainly never existed before, while getting to know a group of friendly, creative people!
An experimental, socially distanced and objectively magnetic workshop on how to make unconventional sounds with cassettes.
Reserva: Musika dena eta ez dena Jaialdia. Sarah Rasines
FechaInicio: 2023-07-15
FechaFin: 2023-07-15
FechaAlta: 2023-05-08
Proyecto: Musika, dena eta eszena
idReserva: 3217080C-3E21-4171-BF90-D331524C748B
Fecha: 2023-07-15
HoraInicio: 09:00
HoraFin: 16:00
TituloEventoEU: Musika dena eta eszena: Sarah Rasines
SalaES: Exterior del edificio
SalaEU: Eraikinaren kanpoaldea
Ocupacion: Familiak
OcupacionES: Familias
OcupacionEU: Familiak