The purpose of this meeting is to think about and question the statutes of imagery in our contemporary world. This exercise also forces us to look at this historical time that we call ‘the now’ or ‘present’ through the density images provide.
Our starting point is a lost future, that temporal dimension that defined modern beings, and defines our era. It constitutes an invitation to take another look at images of the past, because overlooking this perspective trends towards questioning both the linear continuity of history as well as its progressive nature.
Debate around the phantasmal character that history takes on in contemporary life frames the contributions of two thinkers, Andrea Soto Calderon and Michael Marder, whose diverging lines of research in turn facilitate the overlapping lines of work that have been developed in the exhibition That Time. Arte Ederren Bilboko Museoa-Tabakalera. For this reason, the workshop is offering two opportunities for the public: one on Friday afternoon in the form of a dual conference, and another on Saturday morning that involves a meeting-workshop with the above-mentioned authors and the exhibition’s curators. The aim of this second meeting is to offer those interested the opportunity to dig deeper into the questions put forward.
- 20th October - Sala Z - Free entrance
18:00 Imágenes intempestivas. Andrea Soto Calderón
18:45 Anacronías vegetales: la espectralidad de las plantas en la de/estructuración del tiempo. Michael Marder
19:30 Q&A
- 21 de octubre - Sala Z - By registration: form here
10:00-14:00 Meeting-workshop
Moderators: Miriam Alzuri y Oier Etxeberria (That Time´s curators)
Double conference and meeting-workshop by Andrea Soto Calderón and Michael Marder.
To register for the October 21 workshop, please fill out the form below.
Reserva: Poner la mano en el tiempo. Andrea Soto Calderon eta Michael Marder
FechaInicio: 2023-10-20
FechaFin: 2023-10-21
FechaAlta: 2023-06-13
Proyecto: That Time
idReserva: B7607116-4969-4FC9-982C-675DE8D706B6
Fecha: 2023-10-20
HoraInicio: 18:00
HoraFin: 20:00
TituloEvento: Poner la mano en el tiempo. Andrea Soto Calderon eta Michael Marder
TituloEventoEU: Poner la mano en el tiempo. Andrea Soto Calderon eta Michael Marder
Sala: SALA Z
SalaES: Sala Z
SalaEU: Z aretoa
Ocupacion: Lantegia
OcupacionES: Conferencia
OcupacionEU: Hitzaldia
FechaFin: 2023-10-21