Constanza Piña Pardo (Corazón de robota)

Constanza Piña (Curicó, Chile, 1984) is a Chilean visual artist, dancer, and researcher also known as Corazón de Robota. She bases her work on electronic experimentation, open hardware technologies, DIY philosophy, and techno-feminist social practices. Her work explores noise as a sound, political, cultural, and spiritual phenomenon. She creates analogue synthesizers, textile antennas, and experiential EMF amplifiers.

From a pseudo-scientific perspective, Constanza develops the concept of electronic witchcraft, seeing electronics as a bridge to connect the physical world with intangible energy from multiple spectral fields. Since 2013, Constanza has been caring out research on Andean ancestral IT systems, developing Khipu // pre-Hispanic electro-textile computer, which was awarded an honorary mention at Ars Electronica Prix 2020. She is the founder of the techno-feminist Cyborgrrrls [] meeting in Mexico City [2017-2021], and currently teaches DIY electronics with her Non Binary Electronic Berlin school/project. Constanza has held exhibitions, concerts, workshops, and talks throughout Latin America, Europe, the United States, Canada, and Asia.


Cargo - Nota descriptiva
Visual artist, dancer, and researcher
Artistas y Creadores