Nunca vas a estar solo, Álex Anwandter, Chile, 2016, 82' + videoclips by Álex Anwandter
Following a violent attack on his gay teenage son, Juan, a retiring administrator in a factory making tailors’ dummies, has to choose between paying his son's exorbitant medical costs and one last attempt to become his boss's business partner. A series of dead ends and unexpected betrayals show him that the world he thought he knew is quite prepared to turn on him as well. Juan has already made many mistakes, but his son can still be saved.
Nunca vas a estar solo uses a incidence of homophobic violence to examine the intimate and the unjust. The intimacy of the lovers and friends and the relationship between father and son are superimposed on the social injustices and limitations of the Chilean health system.
Alex Adnwandter, singer, composer, producer and director of video clips launched into cinema with Nunca vas a estar solo, a debut work which won him the Teddy Prize at the Berlinale. Alex Andwandter was the lead singer with Teleradio Donoso and has launched a solo career with his discs Odisea, Rebeldes and Amiga, with their openly gay lyrics. This position of the total artist who bases himself on his own, very gay, personal vision to discuss the reality–through music or cinema– was triggered by the homophobic murder of Daniel Zamudio. The case led to radical changes in Chile in the struggle for LGBT rights. It also radically changed Adnwandter himself, because the victim was a fan of his, of his own age, with whom he was in contact.
Alex Adnwandter is representative of a generation of young LGBT Latino film-makers who are making un-self-conscious cinema, including a perfect understanding and denunciation of homophobia. Works such as those by Alex Adnwandter and Pepa San Martín with Rara (winner of the 4th Sebastiane Latino) epitomise this new way of tackling these themes. From specific cases, such as the homophobic murder of Zamudio to everyday acts of homophobia, such as the case of Judge Karen Atala and her daughters, new directors have found a cinematographic language of their own with which to create stories and characters that go beyond simple news items.
The film premiered in the Panorama section of the Berlin International Film Festival where it won the Teddy Award, for the best film dealing with LGBT topics.
Screening of the film 'Nunca vas a aestar solo' by Álex Anwandter, organised by Gehitu, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association.