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*The registration period in the call, and the terms of the different phases, will be adjusted in accordance with the regulations in force while the state of alarm lasts. 


The enrollment will be open until the 8th of June and the resolution will be communicated on the 26th of June.


The main purpose of this call for submissions is to promote audiovisual content-based project development and prototyping geared towards this sector, and applied to others. For this purpose, the laboratory will provide a grant and support for the projects selected during the call's two parts.

Film and documentary projects are excluded from participating. 

Parts of the call for submissions:


Part 1: (July to 31 October 2020)

  • In May of 2020, a maximum of 8 projects will be selected and announced through a timely decision.

  • The participants selected in this first part of the call for submissions will produce a pre-production report containing the following sections as a minimum: detailed description of the project, project timeline, budget, technical-artistic team, and each and every one of the questions that 2deo proposes including in Part 1 of the call for submissions.

  • In June 2020, the laboratory will organise training sessions to develop the audiovisual project's pre-production that, in the case of groups, will have to be attended by each project's representative as a minimum. The training sessions will address different topics relating to audiovisual production: content narrative, work processes, project execution, and intellectual property.

  • Between July and October 2020, the projects will benefit from professional consulting on these 3 topics. In the case of groups, each group's representative as a minimum, and 5 group members total as a maximum, will participate in these sessions.

  • Submitting a proposal for Part 2 of the call for submissions will require attendance at 85% of the training sessions and consulting meetings.

  • On 1 November 2020, participants selected in Part 1 will be required to submit their pre-production report.

  • Each selected project will receive a €4,000 grant.


Part 2: (January – April 2021)

  • A maximum of 3 projects will be selected from those that passed Part 1.
  • In December 2020, the projects will be selected and announced through a timely decision. 
  • In Part 2, the selected projects will receive a grant according to the terms expressed in Term 5 to develop the project's prototype, which must be carried out between January and April 2021.
  • A maximum grant of €50,000 will be distributed between all of the selected projects.
  • The prototype will be presented during a public event that will be organised in the 2deo audiovisual laboratory in May of 2021.

The presentation period will be open from 16 March 2020 until 23:59 on 8th June [UTC+2]. The list of projects selected in Part 1 of the call for submissions will be made public on 26 June 2020.

Descripción Corta

The main purpose of this call for submissions is to promote audiovisual content-based project development and prototyping geared towards this sector, and applied to others.

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