Películas de carretera. El tráfico u otras formas de organizar la vida
Claudia Sánchez and Milagros Valerio, with live music by Asortzi, Spain, 2022, 20´
In the middle of a city crowded with cars, identities seem to move with them. If our personalities and lives are established in transit, this implies that the configuration of a society is in continuous change. Madrid - Donostia. Donostia - Madrid. Looking for a soothing memory in the cell phone I find sunsets from the car, from the bus, from the train. The road seems like a mutant house where our identities rest. In the midst of a society that lives under the dynamics of competitiveness, thousands of young people migrate in order to find their place or perhaps actually with the desire to find themselves.
In the middle of a city crowded with cars, identities seem to move with them. Within the urban chaos, flooded with engines and traffic lights, the house seems the only refuge.
Claudia Sánchez
(Madrid, 1999). Graduated in Audiovisual Communication at the Carlos III University of Madrid, and currently a student of the master's degree in film curating at the Elías Querejeta Film School (EQZE) in San Sebastian. She has worked as a production intern at Isla Audiovisual (Madrid) and published video essays in Tecmerin, magazine of the uc3m research group. Her training has led her to turn her interests towards less conventional gazes, specializing in documentaries and discourses of the self.
Milagros Valerio
Lima, 1998. Currently lives in San Sebastian. Graduated in Audiovisual Communication at the Carlos III University of Madrid. She has done internships at the Centro de Conservación y Restauración de la Filmoteca Española (Madrid). Last September she started a master's degree in Archive and Audiovisual Heritage at the Elías Querejeta Film School (EQZE). He has published film essays in the Mexican magazine Correspondencias: cine y pensamiento and in the magazine of the research group Tecmerin. In the last three years, she has been interested in documentary filmmaking and the realization of projects between friends who share the same dissident concerns.
The group Asortzi was born in January 2022. Formed by Pablo (Mugan) and Andrea/Josemari (Ramona's First Evil Boyfriend), this inevitably fleeting group is created so that its members can have total creative freedom to experiment and play with different instruments, sounds and atmospheres.
Film session with live music as part of Dock of the Bay festival programme.

Reserva: BANDA SONORA ORIGINAL - Dock of the Bay 2022
FechaInicio: 2022-05-05
FechaFin: 2022-05-06
FechaAlta: 2022-03-31
Seccion: ZINEMA
Proyecto: PANTALLA
Idioma: ES
Entrada: Sarrera
EntradaES: Entrada
Pelicula: Películas de carretera. El tráfico u otras formas de organizar la vida
Claudia Sánchez, Milagros Valerio, con música en directo de Asortzi – España – 2022 – 20´ – VO
Proyección y música en directo
idReserva: 22569D88-B5B3-482F-BB61-4344C06F746D
Fecha: 2022-05-05
HoraInicio: 19:00
HoraFin: 21:00
TituloEvento: BANDA SONORA ORIGINAL - Dock of the Bay 2022
TituloEventoEU: BANDA SONORA ORIGINAL - Dock of the Bay 2022
Sala: CINE
SalaES: Cine
SalaEU: Zinea
Ocupacion: Zinea
OcupacionES: Cine
OcupacionEU: Zinea