
Sara holds a Degree in Contemporary History (University of Deusto) and a Doctorate in Political Sciences (University of Santiago de Compostela). Her areas of research are focused on Basque leftists, with particular emphasis on socialist culture from its beginnings through to today, analysing the class consciousness training process of the late 19th century in Vizcaya, through to the process of political violence carried out by the ETA terrorist organisation in the second half of the 20th century. Sara frames the subject of her studies within the theoretical paradigm of the history of emotions. As a result of her interest in emotions as a theoretical category, Ana has completed two research placements at Duke University (USA) under the mentorship of William Reddy. In addition, she is specialised in oral history, considering memory to be an excellent key to unlock the subjectivity of the past.

Among her publications, of particular note are Emociones obreras, política socialista. El movimiento obrero vizcaíno, 1886-1915 (Tecnos, 2018); Los resistentes. Relato socialista sobre la violencia de ETA (1984-2011), (Los libros de la Catarata, 2018); and (Together with Gaizka Fernández Soldevilla): La unión de la izquierda vasca, la convergencia del PSE-EE (Los libros de la Catarata, 2018), as well as numerous articles in national and international magazines.

She is currently a professor in the Department of Contemporary History of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Communication at the University of the Basque Country.
Proyectos participa
Cargo - Nota descriptiva
Historian (of emotions)