Shameless Memories: Short film premiere.
Re-appropriating our queer memory
Throughout history, the LGBTQIA+ community has faced a constant fight for their recognition and equal treatment. Their narratives have frequently been ignored or omitted from official archives, which has made access and connection between the various generations within this group difficult. “Shameless Memories: Short film premiere." is presented as an invaluable opportunity to represent the visions of a young generation by creatively reconnecting with local queer history and shining a light on this relegated past.
The 12 short films to be premiered rewrite the Basque Country’s queer historical memory based on archival material from the Basque Film Archive.
- Soy Una Lesbiana De Este País, Rocio Llambí. 8’29’’
- Prejuicio Final, Maddi Hernaez, 3’02’’
- Ibilbidea, Nora Alberdi, 7’46’’
- Inkognita, Julen Gorosabel, 7’35’’
- TE ODIO, Anny Estrada, 4’02’’
- Todos los barrios posibles, Matteo Giampretuzzi, 9’58’’
- Cuerpos, Evon Etxeberria, 4’51’’
- Herriko Marikoiak, Imanol Salaberria, 3´09¨
- Soy Una Lesbiana, Rocio Llambi Scirgalea, 8´30¨
- Ensayos de cuerpos ausentes, Karen Plata, 5´54¨
- La Raiz, Isa Saez Perez, 7´47¨
- 1992/Carrying, Miroslav Savic, 5´10¨
- 100 Baske, Amets Zulueta, 7´50¨
The short films were created during the “Shameless Memories: Re-Writing Queer History. Creation Workshop”, which took place in Tabakalera’s audiovisual laboratory during the month of July, offering mentoring, conversations, excursions, and screenings for participants and their projects.
The workshop is based on Alejo Duclós’s final project from the Elías Querejeta Zine Eskola Master’s Programme in Audiovisual and Film Curating, and was organised by Tabakalera’s audiovisual laboratory in collaboration with Elias Querejeta Zine Eskola and assistance from the Basque Film Archive.
The resulting short films will make their début this Wednesday, 25 September at 3:30pm in Tabakalera’s audiovisual laboratory within the framework of the Meeting of LGBTQIA+ Festivals organized by Gehitu and the 25th Sebastiane Award within the San Sebastian International Film Festival’s Industry Department.
12 short films to be premiered rewrite the Basque Country’s queer historical memory based on archival material from the Basque Film Archive
Reserva: Memorias sinvergüenzas Estreno de cortometrajes
FechaInicio: 2024-09-25
FechaFin: 2024-09-25
FechaAlta: 2024-08-08
Seccion: IE Laborategia
Proyecto: Programa
Canal: Networking saioak
idReserva: D7DD8656-7D03-4326-B239-2B64D17B0B13
Fecha: 2024-09-25
HoraInicio: 14:00
HoraFin: 18:30
TituloEvento: Memorias sinvergüenzas: Estreno de cortometrajes
TituloEventoEU: Memoria lotsagabeak: Laburmetraien estreinaldia
Sala: Zine eta ikus-entzunezko laborategia
SalaES: 2deo
SalaEU: 2deo
Ocupacion: Zinea
OcupacionES: Cine
OcupacionEU: Zinea