Pic: Neme Arranz
This session will consist of a three-voice conversation between Isabel de Naverán, Ixiar Rozas and María Salgado based on listening live or to a recording of a series of pieces created by the latter over the last five years. The relationships between what is written and what is said and between the tempo of reading from a page and on stage; the issue of desire as the driving force of change and transformation through sensitive experience; the materiality of language and the power of poetry and their complex intersection with music in the work that Salgado does alone or jointly with composer Fran MM Cabeza de Vaca, will be addressed in a dialogue with two researchers of the arts of language and performance who have kept in touch or collaborated regularly over the last five years
This session will consist of a three-voice conversation between Isabel de Naverán, Ixiar Rozas and María Salgado.