Tabakalera-Morpho 2024
Bloque ID
Formulario Inscripción
Texto explicativo
Fill in the form provided online and attach the following documentation, in Basque and English, in the specific order determined below:
- Contact details: first name, surname, address, email, contact telephone number, date of birth, ID number.
- Explanation of the project and motivation for carrying out the phase of the project to be developed during the residency at Morpho (minimum 500 words, maximum 1,000 words).
- Any image or other material available that help to illustrate the project.
- Presentation of at least 4 previously developed works, with images of each one of them.
- CV and short biography (500 words).
The documentation must be submitted as one only documentation in PDF format (maximum size 10MB, 10 pages), and it should be written in Basque and English. In the absence of this or other documentation, the committee shall be entitled to reject the presented project.
The dossier must be named as following: name_lastname_exchange_morpho; for example: martin_bilbao_exchange_morpho.