Sueños de viernes + Brûle la Mer
We want Tabakalera's shared screen to be even more shared. We are working with various communities, with the aim of incorporating new perspectives and new ways of doing into the film programme. To this end, over the last few months, we have set up three processes with three communities that are not usually present in the programme: UNIK, Youngsters at the cinema and Harrotu ileak. The ultimate aim of these processes is to programme a film session, sharing experiences and knowledge in the process. This initiative, which has been an opportunity for joint learning, both for the communities and for Tabakalera, will be shared with the public in three film sessions.
Harrotu ileak is a workshop with young people. It is also a weekly meeting to have tea and tell each other how the week has gone. It is a theatre piece. It is a group that has produced its own brand of clothes. It is a space full of affection, tensions, desires and expectations that are sometimes fulfilled and sometimes not. It is one of the projects that has shaken the foundations of our educational practice the most. Harrotu ileak is enunciated in gerunds: it is being, it happens by happening, it is done by doing.
This year Harrotu has been about making a film, together with Maite Alonso and Unai Ruiz from the Zinelab collective. Making a collective film based on sharing experiences, compiling fragments, transforming images and imaginaries and enunciating oneself.
Sueños de viernes talks about bodies that move, walk, swim, advance. Bodies that support other bodies, communicate, organise themselves. Complex movements that inscribe in the bodies the obstacles, the borders, the farewells, the walls, the family, the hopes, the arrival.
The change of place, the journey; as power, as possibility, as future.
We wanted to accompany the presentation of Sueños de viernes with the screening of the film Brûle la mer, which echoes it in many ways.
Brûle le mer, Maki Berchache / Nathalie Nambot, Francia, Tunez, 2014, 75´
“History is only written about important people, we don’t exist.” Fragmented stories about the struggle and exile of young Tunisians after Ben Ali’s fall from power. What does it mean to break with your own past? To dream of freedom, make a film and write a piece of History? A cinematographic essay about the strength of a revolution, fleeing to Europe and the violence of rejection when they arrive.
Collective film based on sharing experiences, collecting fragments, transforming images and imaginaries and stating oneself. And film screening Brûne la mer.
FechaInicio: 2024-06-29
FechaFin: 2024-06-29
FechaAlta: 2024-05-02
Seccion: ZINEMA
Proyecto: PANTALLA
idReserva: C9C8A196-43DB-4FC9-A738-E34F6AF53253
Fecha: 2024-06-29
HoraInicio: 19:00
HoraFin: 21:00
Sala: CINE
SalaES: Cine
SalaEU: Zinea
Ocupacion: Zinea
OcupacionES: Cine
OcupacionEU: Zinea