The proposal of these visits is to get to know the contents of the exhibition and experience new ways of approaching contemporary art.
It is not necessary to have any kind of art knowledge to participate in them. The sessions last one hour and will be led by a Tabakalera mediator.
Gabriel Chaile works among the fields of anthropology, spiritual and art. Rooted in the indigenous cultures of northeastern Argentina, his work is a kind of material research on the genealogy of forms. Large-scale sculpture, drawing and installation are common practices in the artist’s artistic proposal. Frequently working with materials such as adobe, clay and metal, Chaile weaves stories that retake and revitalize the stories of his ancestors and community, integrating in his practice the ritual and symbolic meaning.
November 6
November 20
December 4
December 18
January 8
January 29
The proposal of these visits is to get to know the contents of the exhibition and experience new ways of approaching contemporary art.

idReservaPadre: 7629FEC8-77B9-40A5-825D-FC8FF04FA55A
Reserva: Bisita solasaldia. Gabriel Chaile (euskaraz)
FechaInicio: 2025-01-29
FechaFin: 2025-01-29
FechaAlta: 2024-08-20
Proyecto: ERAKUSKETAK Hezkuntza
idReserva: 621D37F5-B255-410B-BC0D-6AE361E1A110
Fecha: 2025-01-29
HoraInicio: 19:00
HoraFin: 20:00
Plazas: 15
TituloEvento: Visita dialogada. Gabriel Chaile EUS
TituloEventoEU: Bisita solasaldia. Gabriel Chaile EUS
Sala: ERAKUSKETA ARETOA - Actividades
SalaES: Sala de exposiciones
SalaEU: Erakusketa-aretoa
Ocupacion: Bisita gidatua
OcupacionES: Visita guiada
OcupacionEU: Bisita gidatua