The proposal of these visits is to get to know the contents of the exhibition and experience new ways of approaching contemporary art.
It is not necessary to have any kind of art knowledge to participate in them. The sessions last one hour and will be led by a Tabakalera mediator.
This exhibition brings together four prototypes developed during 2023 in the CIRCE programme (Creative Impact Research Center Europe). Along with the newly produced pieces, it shows work and documentation of previous projects, promoted by Tabakalera within the ACTS (Art/Science/Technology/Society) line of work, initiated in 2020.
November 29
18:00 ES
19:00 EUS
December 20
18:00 ES
19:00 EUS
January 10
18:00 ES
19:00 EUS
January 24
18:00 ES
19:00 EUS
The proposal of these visits is to get to know the contents of the exhibition and experience new ways of approaching contemporary art.
idReservaPadre: 56BAC40B-3A8C-449F-87A1-72928B18ACF9
Reserva: Bisita solasaldia. Máquinas de ingenio (en castellano)
FechaInicio: 2024-01-24
FechaFin: 2024-01-24
FechaAlta: 2023-10-10
Proyecto: ERAKUSKETAK Hezkuntza
idReserva: D51E3295-D994-4D88-86CB-1B9DDFB56AFC
Fecha: 2024-01-24
HoraInicio: 18:00
HoraFin: 19:00
Plazas: 15
TituloEvento: Visita dialogada. Máquinas de ingenio. Jakintzen bidegurutzeanES
TituloEventoEU: Bisita solasaldia. Máquinas de ingenio. Jakintzen bidegurutzean EU
Sala: ERAKUSKETA ARETOA - Actividades
SalaES: Sala de exposiciones
SalaEU: Erakusketa-aretoa
Ocupacion: Bisita gidatua
OcupacionES: Visita guiada
OcupacionEU: Bisita gidatua