With Esther Ferrer's new exhibition, Esther Ferrer. 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23..., the visits have been transformed into Visits in Action. In each visit, certain performances will be activated following Esther Ferrer's scores as a way of connecting with the language of the performance and directly interact with the artist's work. The pieces work with notions related to the body, language, space, and mathematical logic, all of which questions that will be more deeply explored during visits.
Apri 10:
Actions: Las cosas & Especulaciones en V
April 24:
Actions: El escenario es para atravesarlo & Recorrer un cuadrado de todas las formas posibles
May 8:
Actions: Dans d´autres lieux pour la même raison ou autre je fais une nouvelle variation si elle me plaît je la garde aussi & Diálogo ininterrumpido
May 22:
Akzioak: Peformance para 7 sillas & Huellas, sonido, espacios
* Sing Languages Interpretation Service (SLIS) available by booking in advance.
With Esther Ferrer's new exhibition, Esther Ferrer. 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23..., the visits have been transformed into Visits in Action.