"The imagination as capacity of the memory is the key phrase of this film. The concept of 'home', which is the central theme, encloses issues that are highly complex in this respect. We all have contradictory feelings: we want to go home but, at the same time, we don't want to. I would like to explore nostalgia for the imaginary home when one is far away and what it means to come back when that home is not the same as we remembered it. I would like this film to make the audience remember their own imaginary home with its memories."
Production Country: Spain - Japan
Length: 120 min
Screenplay: Hikaru Uwagawa
Language: Japonés, español, inglés, ruso, euskera
Shooting format: DCP Following DCI
Sinopsia: The film is a parody of Homer's Odyssey in the style written by James Joyce in his novel Ulysses. Several Ulysses travel in search of their imaginary home (Ithaca), a place that no longer exists. Episode 3 (Hades) follows Kazuko (read Tiresias), a woman living in Okayama, who has lost her husband and is preparing for her first Obon, the yearly Japanese festivity when the spirits of ancestors return to this world to visit their family members. At the same time and in the same city, Ulysses meets Kazuko and, during the Obon, his dead father (read Anticlea).