
Based on different milestones in the history of video games in the Basque country, with this project we seek to produce a publication with several professionals that provide the keys to their development.


Based on different milestones in the history of video games in the Basque country, with this project we seek to produce a publication with several professionals that provide the keys to their development. It is a project, coordinated by Julen Zaballa, that completes the mapping of video games.

“The arrival of the first micro-computers to the Spanish market, specially the ZX Spectrum, stirred up the domestic information technology and it was the base of the future video-games sector in the country”. This is how the video-games history in the Basque Country started and the story of its development, a project encouraged by Tabakalera that, coordinated by Julen Zaballa, has lead on a publication that we are currently working on.

LOAD “”: Historia del videojuego vasco (1985-2009) projects objective is collecting, in a narrative way, the evolution of the ludic software along the first two decades. For that, we have carried out some interviews with the main protagonists of the videogames world in the Basque Country, creating a story through the main milestones of video-games creation in our territory and in its historical context. The interviewees were Ricardo Puerto and Raúl López from Zeus Software, Víctor Ruiz from Dinamic Software, Sabino San Vicente from Euskal Encounter, Danel Solabarrieta from Elhuyar Fundazioa or the freelances Igor Ruiz, Iñigo Ayo and Joseba Epalza.

At the end of this projects way, this project will have nine chapters. While we are working on the remaining chapters, those of them that have already been published are available in our web page:



Zeus Software: 13 urte berritzen eta bideojokoak egiten / Zeus Software: 13 años de innovación y videojuegos

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Load"" (Chapter 1) (3 MB)


Freelanceak, bideojokoak finkatuz Euskadin / Los freelances, afianzando el videojuego en Euskadi

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Load"" (Chapter 2) (4 MB)


Banatzaileak: jokoen erakusleiho beharrezkoa / Las distribuidoras, el escaparate necesario de los juegos

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Load"" (Chapter 3) (322 KB)


Jai-Alai eta euskal pilotako Bideo-Jokoak / Jai-Alai y los videojuegos de la pelota vasca

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Load"" (Chapter 4) (1,93 MB)


Euskara Bideo-Jokoetan / El Euskara en los videojuegos

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Load"" (Chapter 5) (3,09 MB)


Euskal Party: una cantera de desarrolladores de videojuegos

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Load"" (Chapter 6) (2,8 MB)


El éxodo vasco

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Load"" (Chapter 7) (1 MB)


GamePro, una carrera por el 'triple A' vasco

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Load"" (Chapter 8) (1,3 MB)


Arte y Bits

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Load"" (Chapter 9) (1 MB)

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LOAD"": Historia del Videojuego Vasco
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