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Its aim is to create reproducible materials on specific topics and methodologies not contemplated by the school curriculum.
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The Workgroup to Create Open Educational Resources has come out of a proposal made during the 2018 edition of From the Classroom to The Lab. Its aim is to create reproducible materials on specific topics and methodologies not contemplated by the school curriculum.

When subjects are taught in this day and age, a certain degree of change and innovation are sought in terms of educational methodology. Current materials that align with the new technologies are paramount, and they must be more in tune with social issues and reality. Integration and equality of opportunities are promoted, placing the focus on the student and transmitting a certain critical sense and initiative.

Game-based and project-based learning are ever more present in the classroom, as well as service learning and learning based on the arts and creativity. Roles and activities that cast doubt onto the classic figure of teacher are sought. Nevertheless, to accomplish all this, there are very few resources and materials available for teachers. Every professional has to create his or her own materials, with the vast amount of work this entails. What's more, once the materials are created, they are not made available to others or shared.

That is the basic premise of this group: to identify areas of the school curriculum that are lacking and create and share materials that are open, in Basque, and can be reproduced – doing this so that each and every teacher can adapt the materials to their own classroom context. The group's work methodology is quite open, with the times and dates being decided by the group itself. The group is open to the entire educational community and anyone who is interested in the subject matter.

More information: hirikilabs@tabakalera.eu

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