World of Tomorrow Episode Two: The Burden of Other People's Thoughts, Don Hertzfeldt, USA, 2017, 23'
Gemini, Aaron Katz, USA, 2017, 94'
This film is like a pink porcelain Lladró flamenco dancer stained with drops of blood. Either that, or a peculiar modern and very dark version of the Twilight of the Gods myth. She is Heather Anderson (Zoë Kravitz), a Hollywood star, an internet star, a star with a mansion on a palm tree-lined avenue of stars, a pure celebrity. She is Jill (Lola Kirke), her personal assistant, who knows that everything is as fragile as a Chinese vase. Like us, she has seen all those films where a loaded gun can derail everything. And it happens: the crime, the police investigation, a journey at the end of the night.
After titles like Quiet City (2007) or Land Ho! (2013), the anti-hero of American indie film, Aaron Katz, returns to stake his claim as one of the key figures when it comes to reinventing genres: film noir, B movies, film within film, a total homage to detective stories and a continuation of '90s thriller masters like Lynch, De Palma, Ferrara, Schroeder, or Curtis Hanson. Gemini has made the rounds at prestigious festivals like SXSW and Locarno, earning accolades from international critics.
Americana jaialdiari eskainitako Gutun Zuriaren bigarren proiekzio saioa.