Zehn Minuten vor Mitternacht, Mario Sanz, Spain, 2022, 17’
Rap singing. Bite your nails. Eat a whole apple with its seeds. Yellow pill. Your gold watch. And play for people. Ten minutes to midnight and see you for the last time.
Sóc vertical però m’agradaria ser horizontal, María Antón Cabot, Spain, 2022, 39’
In 1956, in the coastal city of Benidorm, the American poet Sylvia was at herhoneymoon. After an argument with her husband, she goes out for a walk; the sun blows hard and she suffers an insolation. Confused, she travels in time to 2021. As he meets Belen in the future, she's a TV celebrity, and she becomes a close friend.
At the end of the films there will be a talk with directors Mario Sanz and María Antón Cabot.
Doble screening with the presence of directors Mario Sanz and María Antón Cabot.
FechaInicio: 2023-01-28
FechaFin: 2023-01-28
FechaAlta: 2022-12-12
Seccion: ZINEMA
Proyecto: PANTALLA
Idioma: VO DE, Sub ES
idReserva: 02FEB0FB-C34D-46D0-BEB0-A7EFEC98FEC4
Fecha: 2023-01-28
HoraInicio: 19:00
HoraFin: 20:00
Sala: CINE
SalaES: Cine
SalaEU: Zinea
Ocupacion: Zinea
OcupacionES: Cine
OcupacionEU: Zinea